Oracle: SQL en PL/SQL advanced

This course is only available in Dutch, please contact us for more information.

SQL and PL/SQL are the languages mastered by every Oracle developer. But the world doesn’t stand still. After the initial training, most developers dive right in and use the acquired knowledge more effortlessly over the years. Best practices are also developed. However, not everyone has the opportunity to explore other aspects of these languages or to familiarize themselves with the new functionalities of recent versions of the Oracle database.

With the release of Oracle 23c, a wealth of new possibilities has been added, both for the ‘standard’ use of SQL and PL/SQL, and for entirely new applications, such as the use and storage of JSON-format data, or even new techniques like Operational Property Graphs or Generative Vector AI.

U leert

  • Hoe u enkele geavanceerde mogelijkheden van SQL toepast.
  • Hoe u enkele geavanceerde mogelijkheden van PL/SQL toepast.


  • Reguliere expressies
  • Analytische functies
  • External tables
  • Virtuele kolommen
  • Oracle Total Recall
  • Bulk operaties
  • Uitgebreide mogelijkheden van collection-variabelen
  • Pipelined functies
  • Compound triggers
  • Autonome transacties
  • Manieren van indexeren



Deze cursus is bedoeld voor ervaren Oracle-ontwikkelaars.


Grondige kennis van SQL en PL/SQL is een vereiste. Voor meer informatie zie de basiscursussen Cursus Oracle: Werken met SQL en cursus Oracle: PL/SQL programmeren.

Price per person

€ 1.300,-  (excluding VAT)

Duration of this course

2 days

Course dates

23 - 24 october 2024
25 - 26 november 2024
30 - 31 december 2025

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